4.5" dia. x 32" wide belt mild steel MDR return roller
MDR style 1.9" dia. idler roller, mild steel for 32" wide belt
MDR style 1.9" dia. idler roller, mild steel for 24" wide belt
Heavy-duty checkweigher load cell, S-type, 500 lb. capacity
Heavy-duty checkweigher scale base wire rope assembly
SS flexure plates, set of 4 pieces for use in Thompson Scales FS2424-500 scale base
Heavy-duty checkweigher right angle gearbox, 10:1 ratio
Heavy-duty checkweigher right angle gearbox, 15:1 ratio
Heavy-duty checkweigher right angle gearbox, 20:1 ratio
Heavy-duty checkweigher right angle gearbox, 30:1 ratio
Heavy-duty checkweigher right angle gearbox, 7.5:1 ratio
4693 LCD Module with back light
573 input-output card, 24VDC, for 4693 controller
4693 Ethernet TCP/IP card
4693 controller RS-232/RS-422 4-port serial card