1.2" dia. motorized roller driver card, for use on Sonic 350MDR checkweigher
Idler wheel for TSC 350 Chain
Nylatron plastic #25 flat-link chain for TSC 350 checkweigher
Stainless steel #25 flat-link chain for TSC 350 checkweigher
Fixed in-feed or out-feed chain guide for TSC 350 checkweigher
TSC 350 checkweigher extended end cap with 1" end radius
TSC 350 checkweigher drive motorized roller
4693 LCD Module with back light
573 input-output card, 24VDC, for 4693 controller
4693 Ethernet TCP/IP card
4693 controller RS-232/RS-422 4-port serial card
4693 470 CPU card
4693 471 busboard
4693 472 Power supply card
4693 473 Input-Output card