6611 display overlay
5511 or 6611 serial port 8 pin terminal plug
5511 or 6611 Output terminal plug for 817 or 819 boards
5511 or 6611 Input terminal plug for 817 or 819 boards
5511 or 6611 controller ribbon cable; Motherboard to 817 board
5511 or 6611 controller display cable, 13" OAL
5511 or 6611 controller display cable, 18" OAL
5511 or 6611 controller display cable, 36" OAL
6611 controller Motherboard #810
5511/6611 controller #811 Sinking I/O & Scale board; channel 1 and 3
5511/6611 controller #811 Sinking I/O & Scale board; channel 2 and 4
5511/6611 Display Interface board
5511/6611 expander 120VAC output board for use only with 811 or 812 boards
5511 #815 motherboard
5511/6611 controller serial to Ethernet IP converter board